Reading Response.

Today I read EEK Discovers Earth.And it was about two brothers that are aliens and they were called Eek and Ack. And one day Eek had his dad laser his brother ask Eek what was he doing with dad’s laser?But Eek told Ack  to be quiet but Ack told Eek that his dad dosen’t like them touching their laser .Eek told Ac that he knows that  dad dosen’t like when they touch their laser but that he found a green and blue planet that is called Earth.So Eek and Ack studied some more of earth but then they wanted to zap Earth but Eek and Ack were arguing of who was going to zap earth.But dad heard when  Eek and Ack were  arguing. So dad wen’t to the laser lab and told them to not  shot any planet and to go built something.So Eek and Ack decided to built a spaceship to go to Earth.So they work and work and finally they finish the spaceship and blast off to Earth and landed on a laundry and this little girl spotted Eek and Ack spaceship and said daddy no one’s using that washing maching.So her dad told her to put the last load.So the little girl dumped the dirty clothes on Eek and Ack spaceship.And Eek and Ack shouted earthilngs are attacking us with stinky socks and underwear and so they blast back were they came from.

5 thoughts on “Reading Response.

  1. What made you want to read this book? Is it a graphic novel or a chapter book? Sounds interesting!

  2. Oh my! Sounds like a very cool and funny book! I will be working on a unit called “Out of this World” with some kids. We get to write and create crafts about space and alien fun stuff. I will definitely share this book title with them!

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