Tuck Everlasting

I can’t believe that Mae killed the stranger danger and right when she killed the stranger the police saw it.So right now I don’t know what is going to happen. I feel that Mae did the right thing.Because if she didn’t kill the stranger the stranger will do more problems.

Book Club/Tuck Everlasting.

Today in book club we read Tuck Everlasting chapter 11 to chapter 15.So far the book is getting more and more interesting because the Tuck family kidnap Winnie Foster.Because they were telling her that they are everlasting and Winnie Foster is in love whit jesse.

Reading Response.

Today I read EEK Discovers Earth.And it was about two brothers that are aliens and they were called Eek and Ack. And one day Eek had his dad laser his brother ask Eek what was he doing with dad’s laser?But Eek told Ack  to be quiet but Ack told Eek that his dad dosen’t like […]